The Midwives
25 years of combined birth experience
Sarah Simmons, LM, CPM, MSM
Inquire with Sarah by emailing
Clinic is located in The North Glover Healing Center in Twisp and within the birth center in Omak.
Jessica Ready, CNM, APRN, MSN
Inquire with Jessica by emailing
Clinic is located within the birth center in Omak and mobile clinic accommodations throughout the county.
It is my pleasure to serve the women and families of Okanogan County. This community is dear to my heart and is where I have decided to serve on my mission to provide better birth options. Clary Sage is an independent midwifery practice providing reproductive health services with a focus on equity and social justice. Certified Nurse-Midwives provide care to a generally healthy population with minor variations. The Midwifery Model of Care emphasizes respect, education, time, and bodily autonomy/consent. I work collaboratively with physicians and specialists when your health needs require a higher level of care.